5 Ways Masonry Features Can Boost Your Westford, MA, Landscape

Driving around other neighborhoods can yield some wonderful ideas for future home and landscape projects. When you see something you like, you can take a picture for future reference when you are deciding which project might be next. Keep in mind that small projects can yield much bigger rewards if the foundational elements of your home are in great shape. This is where stone masonry features can boost any portion of your Westford, MA, landscape.

Driveways and Walkways

If the driveway or walkway has cracks or shifting segments, no matter how green and lush the grass or how pretty the flowers are, the poor quality of the hardscape will take away from the beauty. Consider installing a new surface of natural stone or paving stones. You may even choose to change the direction of your walkway, or add another level for visual interest. Not only can the cracks and broken segments look bad, but they can be a potential falling hazard to your guests.

A Covered Entryway

5 Ways Masonry Features Can Boost Your Westford, MA, Landscape

One of the ways to impact your home’s curb appeal can be to add a covered entryway. A covered spot to enter your home when it is raining can be just what your home needs for a spruced up look. Columns of natural stone or a stacked stone column base lend weight to an entryway that is protected by an interesting curved roof. This could also be a perfect time to expand and rebuild the entry steps of your Westford, MA, home with classic flagstone pavers.

Fireplaces and Fire Pits

A masonry fire pit can be sized to fit a small space or a large area. Fire pits become a natural gathering place for guests, especially when you bring out the marshmallows for s’mores. Many homeowners enjoy the act of burning wood, but you could opt for one that runs on gas, so that turning your fire pit on and off is as easy as turning a switch.

Related: 7 Charming Fire Pit Landscaping Ideas for Your Newton, MA, Patio

A masonry fireplace brings a dramatic flair to your yard, providing the ideal relaxation spot even on a summer night. Friends and family will always accept an invitation to stop by and visit by the outdoor stone fireplace, particularly when there is comfortable furniture for chatting.

Retaining Wall

While most retaining walls are structures that bring a solution to a problematic slope in the landscape, they can also be added to bring visual order to a certain part of the yard. A low stacked stone retaining wall can make the area bordering your entryway look more finished by giving a definite line to where the grass ends and where the planting beds begin. Flowering vines and groundcover spilling over the edge can soften the landscape and add color. Or, perhaps you want a small stone masonry retaining wall box around your mailbox to provide a spot for planting your favorite seasonal flowers.

Related: How to Add Strength to Masonry Retaining Walls


Stone masonry pillars can be a wonderful way to provide light and inviting warmth to guests as they arrive at your home after dark. Stone or paving stone pillars can highlight the driveway entry or they can guide friends to the sidewalk safely, all while adding ambient light to your landscape.